9 Ingredients to Enhance the Flavour of Tea This Winter

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Several ingredients can enhance the flavour of tea, allowing for a personalised and delightful experience. Some popular additions include:

Citrus Zest: Adding a twist of citrus juices from lemon, orange, or lime to your black tea or cold tea can bring a zesty and refreshing new element.

Herbs: Fresh herbs such as mint, basil, or rosemary can impart a unique and aromatic flavour, especially in herbal or green teas.

Spices: Spices like cinnamon, cardamom, or ginger can add warmth and complexity to your tea, creating a comforting and flavourful blend.

Honey or Agave Syrup: For a touch of sweetness, natural sweeteners like honey or agave syrup can complement the tea’s profile.

Milk or Cream: In black teas, adding milk or cream can provide a creamy and rich texture, altering the tea’s overall taste.

Vanilla Extract: A drop of vanilla extract can add a subtle sweetness and depth to your tea.

Edible Flowers: Edible flowers can impart a delicate and floral essence to certain tea varieties. Add flowers like lavender, chamomile, or rose for better aroma and taste.

Liquorice Root: Known for its natural sweetness, liquorice root can be a healthy and delicious sweetening alternative with a hint of herbal flavour.

Coconut Milk or Coconut Water: For a tropical twist, coconut milk or water can add a subtle coconut flavour to your cold, creamy tea.