5 Surprising Benefits Of Reading Books

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Reading books helps you be calm, focused, and relaxed. Here are some surprising benefits of reading books as it can help increase mental and emotional fitness.

Improves cognitive health

Reading is a kind of mental workout that can help enhance critical thinking skills and creativity. It can also help maintain cognitive function and prevent conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Enhances sleep

Reading can help bring consciousness to another level, which promotes a more restful night’s sleep.

Improves empathy

Reading allows individuals to step into the shoes of diverse characters and experience different perspectives. This empathetic connection with fictional characters can extend to real-life situations.

Elevates your mood

Books can serve as a therapeutic escape, providing a positive emotional experience that can help combat sadness or anxiety.

Relieves stress

Reading books can help release feel-good hormones in your body, which help you relax, manage pain, and relieve stress.