8 Winter Foods You Must Eat

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Soup: Warm up with hearty soups like chicken noodle or minestrone.

Hot Chocolate: Indulge in a comforting cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows.

Roasted Chestnuts: Enjoy the seasonal delight of roasted chestnuts for a nutty flavor.

Cranberries: Add a burst of tartness and antioxidants to your diet with fresh or dried cranberries.

Root Vegetables: Savor the earthy goodness of roasted root vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes.

Pomegranates: Elevate your winter snack with juicy pomegranate seeds rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Oatmeal: Start your day with a warm bowl of oatmeal topped with fruits and nuts for energy.

Peppermint Treats: Indulge in the festive spirit with peppermint-flavored treats like candy canes or peppermint bark.